Two upcoming gigs, one online, one live:
- I’m going to be talking to Paul Knoepfler (UC Davis) about his new book, GMO Sapiens, on Talking Biopolitics, podcast of the Center for Genetics and Society. We record in January–watch their website for when it goes live.
- And I’m privileged to talk to the wonderful Alondra Nelson (Columbia University) about her book, The Social Life of DNA: Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation After the Genome, hitting the shelves in January. We’ll be at the Enoch Pratt Free Library on Jan. 19 (details here). If you can make it to Baltimore, come down, listen to Alondra give a reading and hear our conversation, and pick up a signed copy!
Finally, I took a little holiday down-time to update the Scribblings page to include some of my recent articles, in Aeon, The Nation, Nature, and elsewhere. Links to html articles and/or pdfs included whenever possible. Enjoy!